Choose the Click-Worthy Titles

Choose the click-worthy titles! why not? When a person searches for a term on Google, the first part they will see is the title of an article; Always remember if you choose a title in the article that has a high click rate, then you can increase the rate of your article!


Key Effects Of The Click-Worthy Titles


  1. Direct impact on article SEO
  2. Increase the click rate on articles
  3. Guide users to see the content of an article directly

If your article is even 5 or 6 in Google search results, you can use an attractive title and encourage users to click on your article link:

Basically, this happens when you follow the basic rules in writing a basic title and then write a title according to the subject of the article that is searched more than others in Google!


‌Basic Rules In Writing A Best Title


The titles of the articles represent the general topic of the content, and Google’s algorithms consider subpages through these titles; It is one of the most important keys to attract users’ attention, which has a direct effect on increasing website traffic. On average, out of ten people who visit articles on websites, only 8 people check the titles and 2 people read the entire content!

In the following, we will describe the most main and simplest ways to access a unique and appropriate title:


  • Be descriptive
  • Use Numbers 
  • Keep It Concise
  • Keyword Research & Target Keyword
  • Try To Use “How to” , “What is” Words At The Beginings Of The Title

Consider the following example:

“10 Proven Strategies for Boosting Website’s SEO Ranking”

This title includes a number to attract attention, also: includes the target keyword “SEO Ranking,” and offers a promise of valuable content ” Proven Strategies” !


1. If we want to explain the key points in choosing the title in order; It can be said:

At first, we should search for the keywords related to the main topic and choose the closest searches to the main topic, then we should choose the keyword that has the most relevant and closest semantic relationship with the topic of the article!

Now we have the main keyword in place; In order not to lose the ranking in the search results between the synonym keywords of the article, and also to aim for the title of our article to have a higher priority than other competitors of the article.

We should distribute the rest of the synonym keywords in the headings and content islands of the article in proportion to the number of words in the article and write the required content around the main topic in the article in a meaningful way!

Pay Attention: Using a synonym keyword helps the main keyword in the title of the article to have a greater impact on the search results!


2. The title that is written should be written in such a way that the user can understand exactly what the author intended to write this article and whether it is worth clicking on the link or not!

Colloquial writing and the semantic mismatch of the article title with the content of the article, in addition to causing the user to not read other articles; On the other hand, Google robots also notice this and easily lower the article’s rank in the search results!


3. The use of numbers can also have a direct effect on increasing the rating of Datshe because they are directly related to the UI or the User Interface.

Numbers can show the title of the article more separately than other articles among the search results, in fact, they draw the user’s attention to the article!



Pay Attention

It is better to note that the higher the number of clicks on the title in the article’s search results, the higher the article’s rank will be in Google’s search results!

The main reason is that if Google bots notice that the number of clicks on the link of your article is higher than other links, even the articles in the search results of link 1 and 2; In this case, your article will be prioritized over other articles in Google search results!

The opposite may also happen to your article; so that the title chosen for your article describes an independent meaning compared to the content of the article; In this case, if someone enters the article and realizes after a few seconds that the content has nothing to do with the title of the article; It is very likely that the user left the article and it causes the article to lose its previous rank in Google search results:

In fact, Google’s algorithms and robots understand this issue, and this issue also causes the article’s rank to decrease in Google’s search results!



4. The more creative and shorter the title of an article can be to convey the topic of the article to the user, the more it can have a positive effect on the ranking of Google search results.


5. Some words, if they are included in the search results along with the keywords, can greatly affect the article’s rank; For example, words that refer to the number or how or even persons will increase the value of the title and will have a better rank against other titles.

Of course, you should note that if, for example, you use the word “who is” at the beginning of the title, that means you are referring to a specific person, then you should fully and accurately use synonyms and keywords widely in the content in question. so that you can give more value to the selected title!


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